
简单又大气的敬酒话 酒桌必备

岳春阳2020-08-14 17:24:53


简单又大气的敬酒话 酒桌必备



2、 四季平安祝福你,四方来财四杯酒。

3、 美酒倒进白瓷杯,酒到面前你莫推,酒虽不好人情酿,远来的朋友饮一杯。

4、 一把雨伞也能撑得个海阔天空,一杯水酒也能代表天长地久。我以茶代酒,敬你一杯。

5、 一杯酒祝你精力足,心情灿烂。二杯酒祝你心态好,好运不断。三杯酒祝你身体棒,幸福平安。祝你常感日月星,心怀精气神,一生潇洒如神仙。








1.Sunrise River flowers win fire, wish you business more prosperous.

2.Four seasons peace bless you, four cups of wine from all directions.

3.Pour the wine into the white porcelain cup. Don't push the wine in front of you. Although the wine is not good, friends from afar can drink one cup.

4.An umbrella can also hold a vast sky, and a glass of wine can also represent eternity. I'll give you tea instead of wine.

5.A glass of wine to wish you enough energy and a bright mood. Two drinks to wish you a good mood and good luck. Three drinks to wish you good health, happiness and peace. May you always feel the sun, the moon and the stars, keep your mind full of energy and vitality, and live a natural life like a fairy.

5.One can't. why? Because a chopstick can't hold vegetables, a leg can't walk, a slap can't make a sound.

6.A pair of fish heads is a great blessing. Fish head and fish tail, perfect, head and tail connected, good things, fish head fish tail with the wind and water.

7.Donkey meat, sky dragon meat, ground donkey meat, eat donkey meat, longevity, drink donkey soup, longevity.

8.Shallow feelings, lick a lick; thick feelings, not enough to drink; thin feelings, not to drink; emotional iron, drink bleeding.

9.Leaders have a drink, money and wealth. If you want to have money, you have to finish drinking. If you want treasure, you need to drink.

10.One two two gargle, three two four two is not wine, five two six two walk the wall, seven two eight two still roar.

